Health Coaching

Functional Health Coaching

Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?

Start your journey toward a better version of yourself today by booking a free 15-minute discovery call.

Current Offerings:

Gut Health Testing

An unhealthy gut can cause uncomfortable symptoms that are felt beyond the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. In fact, the root cause of brain fog, fatigue, headaches, food sensitivities, and more can often be traced back to the gut. From test results, we can create personalized treatment protocols to address gut dysfunction-based issues.

Mindset Coaching

We are mind, body, and soul. Our identity is the governing force in our lives. If we don’t see ourselves as healthy and whole, we will never be truly healthy. My goal is to help clients achieve lasting transformation by addressing this vital connection.

Heavy Metal Testing

Our bodies are created to naturally detox. However; over time we are exposed to multiple toxins in our food and environment that can bog down our detoxification and immune system. A heavy metal detox is a lifestyle program designed to enhance how the body naturally removes toxins, specifically heavy metals.