Stepping out of Your Comfort Zone

Women’s Experiential Retreats…So Much More Than Yoga

When was the last time you did something outside of your comfort zone for your physical or mental health (or just for fun)?

I don’t consider myself to be an adventurous person. I went on my first solo yoga retreat when I was 51 years old!

Although I practice yoga, taking my first trip was not about yoga; it was about nurturing myself in a difficult time and refreshing my soul by being outdoors, eating delicious food, and doing activities I had never done before. I also took time to pray, read my Bible, journal and rest.

Tulum 2018

The experience was so profound that I decided to become a Christian yoga instructor and lead retreats of my own – not just because I loved yoga, but because I have struggled, and I wanted to encourage other women to take a break and remember who they are and whose they are. Although the trips I organize include yoga, it is just a small piece of the experience that I offer.

“I had a wonderful time – wonderful group of ladies; Lori is a great trip planner, everything was excellently planned, and we just had to relax and have fun. Yoga was top notch; I always learn every time I have yoga classes with Lori. Food was marvelous. I can’t wait until our next trip next year!” – Roxana I.

“What a wonderful trip!! After the stress of holidays, it was a wonderful renewal of spirit & mind!! Lori was fabulous as an organizer of activities; plus yoga for a bunch of beginners!! Can’t wait to go on another trip!” – Becky J

Tulum 2020

A Busy World of Doing Instead of Being

Sometimes we forget that we are human beings and not human doings. Obviously, there are things that must get done such as taking care of our families and performing our jobs. But if we don’t learn to hit the pause button and create a space for restoration, we will burn out.

Carving out time for resting in God’s presence, praying and meditating daily are vital to fueling our souls to maintain a Biblical mindset. But there are some seasons in life when we just need more. We need to physically get away from our daily routine and create space to exhale, self-examine, laugh, and be a kid again.

Traveling with a group of like-minded women can create that space and support – an opportunity for a renewed perspective and a safe environment where you can be yourself, reflect, unwind, recharge.

It was really wonderful. I came to spend some time relaxing, getting away and sorting out some stuff, spending time with God. I felt like I was able to do this and spend time getting to know the other ladies.” – Sarah D. (solo traveler)

Puerto Vallarta 2022


Fear is crippling and can keep our world very small. I get it.

I remember feeling so uncomfortable traveling to Mexico alone with a group of women I had never met. It took extreme stress in my life to get me to say “yes!” to the retreat and to shake me out of my comfort zone.  The silver lining on my stressful situation is that it provided me with a catalyst for a new era of adventure. I am forever grateful for that silver lining. God can use anything for good!

Do not be afraid to leave where you are — to leave your old world behind. Be brave enough to travel to the unknown, to open yourself to something new. Strive to see extraordinary places and meet extraordinary people. Dream with the dreamers and do what you once thought was unthinkable. Explore with the explorers and discover endless possibilities. Do not let fear be your map. Do not let comfort determine where you stay. Let curiosity guide you. Let your eagerness for adventure, for diversity, for aliveness lead you. Do not be afraid of getting lost — you may just find what you need. Lose your logic, find your soul. Lose your path, find your direction. Lose your way, find yourself. You have the power to determine your journey." - Bryan A.

“I am so glad I stepped out and was brave enough to travel to Mexico AND alone for the first time ever! It was a great experience.” – Patty G.

“What a blessing this has been! You made this special for each of us and I have LOVED getting to know you and all the ladies.” – Shauna G. (also a solo traveler)

An Investment in Yourself

Is money an obstacle? You can split up your payment with a deposit to hold your spot.

“I attended Lori’s first wellness retreat in Mexico two years ago. At the time I was a single mom with two kids and no job. Booking that retreat was wayyy out of my comfort zone. I also knew that my soul needed it.  Probably more than anyone there. I took a leap of faith and scrambled to get the deposit. I saved up for 6 months so that I could make it work. It was the best investment in myself I ever could have made. Do this for yourself. you are worth it.” – Kristi C.

Join us

Join me and a small group of like-minded women on an adventure at an amazing, luxury boutique hotel in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico April 30 to May 4, 2023.

For information and registration, go to:

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